Vah HTML5 Multipurpose Responsive Template HTML5 Multipurpose Responsive Template. Handcrafet tempalte that suits for Business, Digital Agency, Personal templates, etc...
Vah is an HTML5 multipurpose responsive template. The template can be used as a business template, digital agency template, personal, portfolio template, and general-purpose template.
The template is free for personal as well as commercial use.
Unveiling Vah’s Features:
Neat and clean design
Easy customization
Cross-browser compatible
Multiple color schemes
CSS & Stylus files
-: Customization Options:-
Here is a simple guide on editing HTML elements suitable to your need.
Let’s delve into a few key aspects:
Layout Flexibility:
Vah grants you the freedom to switch between distinct header and body layouts with ease. By applying specific classes to
and tags, you can seamlessly transition between:
Available customization:
Full-Width Layout
Boxed Layout
Unveiling Vibrant Color Schemes:
Vah brings forth a palette of four captivating color schemes:
The template has 4 color schemes
1- Default
2- Dark
3- Skin 1
4- Skin 2
You can choose your favorite one. Also, you can customize the color themes according to your project.
Layout Skin Customization(Template Color Customization):
Default Layout: The template kicks off with the style.css file as its default style.
The theme will load style.css file by default.
< link rel = " stylesheet" type = " text/css" href = " assets/css/style.css" />
Change the theme to Dark layout
< link rel = " stylesheet" type = " text/css" href = " assets/css/style-dark.css" />
Manual Customization
Using the stylus/sass, you can generate your own desired template skin. To do so, you need to modify the stylus(variable.styl) file.
The first step makes sure the Stylus bundle is properly running on your machine.
Change the values of variables named $primary-clr, $hover-clr, $gradient-color1, $gradient-color2 according to your requirements.
On your project root, build the css file from stylus from your command line utility:
$~: stylus ../assets/stylus/style-default.styl -o ./assets/css/style-skin-name.css- Above command will generate the css file named style-skin-name.css inside css folder.
In the header section, you can replace the default CSS(style.css) file with the style-skin-name.css file. You can use the following code to change the skin in the header area:
< link rel = " stylesheet" type = " text/css" href = " assets/css/style-skin-name.css" />
The sequence must be followed to customize your required output.
Default Stylus Files
font.styl (Include fonts)
variables.styl (For variables)
theme.styl (For color theme)
common.styl (Common CSS)
media.styl (Media Query)
Whether you’re shaping a business platform, curating a portfolio, or a personal blog, you can use Vah template and modify it according to your need.
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